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Executive Extra

Monthly content focused on leadership exclusively for the Executive members of NAA.

4 NAA18 Workshops to be Excited About

Workshops—the heart of the NAA Annual Convention—offer over 11.5 hours of professional development. Here are some of the workshops we're most excited to bring you in Atlanta!

Beats & Bars: DJing from a STEAM Perspective

This workshop is designed to take a craft youth are familiar with and help you show them how it can become a viable profession. It will also integrate STEM concepts, 21st Century skills of collaboration, leadership, adaptability, critical thinking and communication with entrepreneurial aspects.

TimiyaClark-SessionPresented by Timiya Clark, Program Specialist, Public Health Management Corporation

Timiya Clark is bringing her DJ skills to the main stage on Sunday, March 18. You can learn more about her on our keynote page.

Moving Forward Together: Unexpected Partnerships

Tight budgets and limited capacity mean we all have to work together to create quality enrichment experiences for children. Finding synergies and partnerships with purpose can be challenging. This interactive workshop will introduce you to an innovative partnership between the National Girls Collaborative and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, blending the healthy afterschool movement with STEM education.

Erin-Daniel-SessionPresented by Erin Hogeboom, Director, Partnerships and Strategy, National Girls Collaborative, and Daniel Hatcher, Director of Community Partnerships, Alliance for a Healthier Generation

Daniel Hatcher is a top presenter year after year. We're excited for this one in particular!

Be-YOU-tiful: How to Find Your True Leadership

Do you find yourself looking to books or websites or online quizzes to figure out how to be a "leader"? The truth is: The answer already lies within you. In this session, participants will discover the beauty of their own true leadership and learn how to let it boldly shine.

ErikaPetrelli-SessionPresented by Erika Petrelli, The Leadership Program

Erika Petrelli is keynoting Monday afternoon's general session and helping you tap into your leadership potential. Looking forward to getting inspired and finding our true leadership skills. Check out Erika's bio on our keynote page.

The After School Escape Room

Have you ever used a scavenger hunt in your program? Let's kick it up a notch, as our Master Trainer helps you experience the After School Escape Room and walks you through the steps to bring this amazing experience back to your program. Find out if you can escape!

ShawnPetty-SessionPresented by Shawn Petty, Director of Training, Westat

Shawn Petty is a true expert at creating unique learning experiences—and we're really looking forward to trying this escape room session. We've heard about escape rooms as team-building puzzle games for adults, so this sounds like a cool idea for a program!

For even more information about the NAA18 Workshops, click here.