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Executive Extra

Monthly content focused on leadership exclusively for the Executive members of NAA.

The Best Tips, Thoughts and Things for Afterschool Leaders

Afterschool's current leaders and our next generation of leaders have unique needs—for inspiration, connections, and the opportunity to build or share knowledge.

You may have noticed that over the past several years, NAA has begun to provide additional focus on leadership ... and you'll find that in the coming months, we'll be even more intentional in building benefits for our Executive Members, a community of afterschool leaders.

You'll see leadership focused social media, monthly professional development resources, targeted convention tracks, and additional opportunities for our Executive Members to learn from and share knowledge with each other and with NAA leadership.

One of the first new benefits is the Executive Extra—this monthly eNewsletter filled with tips, thoughts and things designed specifically for afterschool leaders.

Have ideas for what you'd like to see included in the Executive Extra? E-mail heidi@naaweb.org.