Executive Extra

Monthly content focused on leadership exclusively for the Executive members of NAA.

Webinar: Effective Budgeting for Your Afterschool Program

Thursday, September 29, 1:00 EST | Presented by FMA

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Effective budgeting is one of the key ways to ensure that your afterschool program is using your resources in the most strategic way and that your organization is financially sustainable into the future.

This webinar will:

  • Describe a budgeting process that enlists input from across your organization
  • Highlight tools that can be used by program staff and senior leaders to develop budgets in a (relatively) painless way.
  • Demonstrate tools from StrongNonprofits.org, a web site developed by FMA in partnership with the Wallace Foundation to bring free resources for more effective financial management to after-school providers and the broader nonprofit sector.

This webinar is for Executive-level members only.

Registration is now closed.








