Executive Extra

Monthly content focused on leadership exclusively for the Executive members of NAA.

Gina Warner

Growing up in rural Alabama as a teenager, Gina Warner was mentored by afterschool professionals who guided her into being the influential public speaker and leader that she is today. In June 2012, she was named President and CEO of the National AfterSchool Association. In this role, she works to meet the needs of both emerging and experienced afterschool professionals through enhanced training and development, and increased communication, outreach, and membership engagement. Warner has introduced a number of innovations to the organization, including the first nationally-recognized credentialing platform for afterschool professionals, an Afterschool Digital Learning toolkit created in partnership with Google, and two national leadership initiatives focused on emerging leaders in the afterschool field.  She has also worked to broaden and expand the reach of NAA, diversifying its partnership through the creation of a Corporate Advisory Board and the International Learning Exchange Program.

Prior to her time at NAA, Warner served as the Executive Director of the Partnership for Youth Development in New Orleans, Louisiana, where she helped existing and new after school programs as they sought to serve children and families in post-Katrina New Orleans.  She is also a former public school teacher and U.S. Senate staffer.

Warner is a 1990 graduate of the University of South Alabama and a 1995 graduate of Loyola Law School.  She and her family live in the DC area.