Executive Extra

Monthly content focused on leadership exclusively for the Executive members of NAA.

The Partnerships for Social and Emotional Learning Initiative

The new podcast series by The Wallace Foundation shares findings and early lessons from a RAND Corporation study of their Partnerships for Social and Emotional Learning Initiative (PSELI).

The five-episode series features in-depth conversations with school/district and afterschool/out-of-school time leaders about their experiences working together to help children develop social and emotional skills.

In episode 1, Will Miller, president of The Wallace Foundation, explains why Wallace launched the initiative. Karen Pittman, co-founder, president and CEO at Forum for Youth Investment, and Melissa Schlinger, vice president of practice and programs at CASEL, discuss the importance of social and emotional learning and the various settings in which children acquire these skills.

"In PSELI, we're interested in more than quantifying student benefits. Equally important is the question, what does it take to align and carry out SEL programs in these different settings? What helps, what gets in the way? If you know something like SEL is helpful, that's good, but that doesn't take you very far, unless you also know how to carry it out. And that's an area where there's been far less guidance available." – Will Miller

Tune in here.

Courtesy of NAA.