Executive Extra

Monthly content focused on leadership exclusively for the Executive members of NAA.

What’s in Store for Afterschool Professionals Appreciation Week This Year

Afterschool Professionals Appreciation Week (APAW), April 20 – 24, 2020, is a special time set aside each year to recognize, appreciate and advocate for those who work with young people during out-of-school hours.

An estimated 10.2 million children participate in afterschool programs each year. Every one of them deserves quality afterschool experiences that positively impact their development. It takes skilled professionals to create these experiences. Because of the important role afterschool professionals play in the lives of kids, they deserve recognition and support!

The week is marked by celebrations and public relations efforts encouraging appreciation and support for all the afterschool professionals who make a profound difference in the lives of young people.

We're making it easy for you to celebrate!

The APAW Toolkit offers graphics and logos, social media posts, video, announcements, talking points and merchandise to help you spread the word and celebrate.

Be sure to also keep an eye out for a social media contest. Tag someone you want to honor with an NAA membership and that person will be entered to win one of three Executive memberships in honor of APAW. We will also be offering a discount on Executive membership in April—at the lowest rate of the year.

Join us in thanking Afterschool Professionals who make a positive impact on the lives of young people! How will you celebrate?