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Executive Extra

Monthly content focused on leadership exclusively for the Executive members of NAA.

Sharing a Passion for Afterschool

Monday, 18 February 2019 13:52

Adrian Izaguirre, Chasidy Celestine and Jacqueline Chavez are all presenters at the upcoming NAA Annual Convention in March.

They're also all current and former NAA Next Generation of Afterschool Leaders honorees! NAA sat down with these colleagues from CASE for Kids – Harris County Department of Education to learn more about their presentation for NAA19, what it means to be acknowledged as Next Gen honorees and more.

Tell us about what being acknowledged as an NAA Next Gen honoree has meant to you.
"Being acknowledged as an NAA Next Gen Honoree has meant a great deal. I come to work every day hoping to make a small difference here and there, so I feel very honored and humbled to get recognized by my peers for the contributions I make."
Jacqueline Chavez, Project Coordinator, CASE for Kids, NAA 2019 Next Gen Honoree.

What opportunities opened up for you since being named an NAA Next Gen or how has it motivated you to further your career in afterschool?
"It has helped people see me beyond simply being an afterschool worker and see more of a passionate individual helping students excel who always has their best interest at hand. From being a front-line staff member to a site coordinator in Lewisville, Texas, through the end of its cycle, to my current role at HCDE as a Program Coordinator that provides grants to nonprofit organizations throughout the City of Houston, every day has been a pleasure that keeps me wanting to do more."
Adrian Izaguirre, Program Coordinator, CASE for Kids, NAA 2014 Next Gen Honoree.

Tell us what you most like about the NAA Annual Convention and what you're most looking forward to this year?
"What I love most about NAA Annual Convention is that it has a huge selection of workshops on diverse topics presented by professionals from different industries and walks of life. It is an opportunity for this community to spread knowledge, discuss experiences, and best practices that help engage and foster better afterschool programs. This year, I'm looking forward to being a presenter and sharing my insight with the 2019 attendees!"
Chasidy Celestine, Program Coordinator, CASE for Kids, NAA 2018 Next Gen Honoree.

Catch these trailblazing afterschool industry leaders as presenters at NAA19 with their session #CaptionThis: What You Post Matters. The session covers utilizing social media culture from a generational, program and promotional perspective! Attendees will walk away being able to connect social media to afterschool as well as learn how it can help them grow their own program and enable them to share incredible out-of-school time stories that are emerging every day.

If you haven't registered for NAA19 yet, what are you waiting for?

Photo courtesy of Adrian Izaguirre.