Awards & Recognition

NAA and our partners are doing some great things to elevate the field of afterschool!

NAA's Next Generation of Afterschool 2019

Friday, 05 October 2018 00:00

Nominations now closed!

Join NAA in recognizing individuals, age 30 or under, who are believers in the power of afterschool - who are thinking about program design, professional development, and are making other contributions that will influence not only their programs and organizations but have the potential to provide long-term and broad impact on the afterschool field.

If you know of a candidate worthy of NAA's Next Generation of Afterschool Award 2019, nominate today!

In addition to the criterion above, NAA is looking to highlight individuals, age 30 or under, who:

  1. Are active in the afterschool community, including, but not limited to membership in NAA and its state affiliates.
  2. Demonstrate the NAA core competencies, specifically Content Area 10: Professional Development and Leadership.
  3. Possess passion for the afterschool profession and for their work as an emerging afterschool leader; have a clear purpose in their efforts to support others beyond their program and their immediate peers; and show persistence in their work to grow as a leader in the field of afterschool!

Nominations will be accepted through October 18, 2018.

Those selected will be featured in the Winter 2019 issue of AfterSchool Today magazine. They will also receive a free NAA Executive Membership, free 2019 Annual Convention Registration and recognition at the 2019 Convention!