Invitation-Only Leader Sessions Announced for National AfterSchool Association Convention 2020—Register Now!

NAA20 LeadershipTrack 2

Show up and speak up, March 15 – 18, in Washington, D.C.!

I’d like to personally invite you to join afterschool leaders, funders and researchers in a special set of invitation-only leader sessions at NAA Convention 2020. These carefully curated sessions for field leaders will focus on building and supporting afterschool systems.

Please review the leadership session schedule below. Then register for Convention using invitation code 2020INVITEONLY to save yourself a spot in these sessions. If you have already registered for Convention and want a leadership session spot held for you, please email for assistance.


Sunday, March 15, 2020

3 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. | Woodrow Wilson D
Enhancing the Afterschool Workforce: Challenges, Opportunities & Investments
Who is our workforce? Why do people come to, stay or leave the field? This session will ignite the discussion with leading practitioners, funders and researchers. Come interact with editors of the Journal of Youth Development 2020 special issue on the afterschool workforce, review recent investments and efforts in workforce development, and discuss the afterschool profession’s place in the broader field of allied youth services. Together, we’ll address opportunities and challenges to better build and support capacity development, so we can better serve youth.

Speakers: Dale Blyth, University of Minnesota, Deborah Moroney, American Institutes for Research, Jill Young, American Institutes for Research, Karen Pittman, The Forum for Youth Investment, Meg Pitman, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Michael Conn, Co-Editor Journal of Youth Development Special Issue on the Workforce, Michele Wilkens, Co-Editor Journal of Youth Development Special Issue on the Workforce, Rebecca Goldberg, S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, Tom Akiva, University of Pittsburgh

Monday, March 16, 2020

8 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. | Woodrow Wilson D
What Does it Take to Build Afterschool Leadership Pipelines?
Building a leadership pipeline necessitates addressing institutional structures and policies and providing professional development for leaders throughout their careers. While the NAA Core Knowledge and Competencies for Afterschool and Youth Development Professionals set a foundation, this session involves deeper exploration of the opportunities and challenges in developing and supporting afterschool leaders. From a systems lens, we’ll talk about how strategic investments in leadership development can be a game-changer and we’ll learn about a statewide system that builds leadership capacity with a focus on supporting leaders of color. Finally, we’ll discuss examples of how organizations can build and sustain leadership development initiatives.

Speakers: Alexis Llamas, S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, Christina Russell, Policy Studies Associates, Isabelle Mussard, California School-Age Consortium

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | Woodrow Wilson D
Q&A with DeRay Mckesson
Following DeRay Mckesson’s keynote address, you are invited to a private session where you can ask questions, learn more about his experiences and discuss ideas with your colleagues.

5:45 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. | Chesapeake J & K
Advancing Equity in Afterschool Leadership Special Interest Group Meet-Up
In response to the release of The Afterschool Leadership Landscape: Supporting and Strengthening Racial Equity members of our community expressed the desire to connect around advancing equity in afterschool leadership. Are you interested in meeting others with a shared purpose around advancing equity? If so, please join us for a 45-minutes meet-up to express interest, to meet colleagues with shared purpose, and to begin the conversation that we expect to continue well after Convention.

Requested by NAA members and hosted by leaders from CalSAC, Maryland 4-H, NAA, NJSACC, and The Y in Central Maryland.

6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. | Woodrow Wilson D
Celebration of Leadership Reception
This year, our annual invitation-only event celebrates all of you—the leaders of our field! Come cheer on the 2020 class of Next Generation of Afterschool Leaders and hear inspirational remarks from a past Next Generation Leader honoree. Let’s welcome the youngest leaders in our community and celebrate the important role of leadership in moving the afterschool profession forward!

Speakers: Remarks from Gina Warner, National AfterSchool Association, Aleah Rosario, Foundation for California Community Colleges, 2014 NAA NextGen Leader Honoree

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

8 a.m. – 10 a.m. | Woodrow Wilson D
Building Personal EQ and an Equity Lens to Support Leadership Development
In addition to creating systemic pipelines and supports for leadership development, how can we as leaders foster our own growth, to successfully serve others? In this session, we will home in on two critical areas needed for success: SEL and Equity. Bringing together our learnings from SEL to the Core and The Afterschool Leadership Landscape: Supporting and Strengthening Racial Equity, we’ll discuss the important intersection between these areas. We will share strategies and engage you in conversation about ways to increase our own emotional intelligence and create a plan for deepening our personal equity lens.

Speakers: Aleah Rosario, Foundation for California Community Colleges, Jimena Quiroga Hopkins, Development Without Limits West

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11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. | Woodrow Wilson D
Moving the Afterschool Profession Forward!
Join us for lunch and a generative session based on the Convention leadership series. This final session challenges us to identify our own commitments and next steps as we realize stronger, equity-focused leadership pipelines. This final facilitated work session includes reflections on the learnings from the previous sessions, shaping your personal commitments to moving this work forward and identifying next steps we can address together as a field.

We look forward to hosting you March 15 – 18, in Washington, D.C.!

Speakers: Jennifer Brady, Development Without Limits, Heidi Ham, National AfterSchool Association


GinaWarner Sig forWeb

Gina Warner
President & CEO
National AfterSchool Association