Executive Extra

Monthly content focused on leadership exclusively for the Executive members of NAA.

Displaying items by tag: Why You Should 'Show the Salary'

Wednesday, 14 July 2021 10:08

Why You Should 'Show the Salary'

Have you ever wondered how much money some of your colleagues in the field make, but then felt bad for even wondering such a thing? Well, there's nothing to feel bad about. Why? Oftentimes, salary secrecy is used to mask discriminatory practices and gaps in pay.

Published in Executive Extra
Wednesday, 14 July 2021 10:08

Why You Should 'Show the Salary'

Have you ever wondered how much money some of your colleagues in the field make, but then felt bad for even wondering such a thing? Well, there's nothing to feel bad about. Why? Oftentimes, salary secrecy is used to mask discriminatory practices and gaps in pay.