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Executive Extra

Monthly content focused on leadership exclusively for the Executive members of NAA.

Displaying items by tag: NAA

Tuesday, 19 April 2016 08:58

Animal Winner Family Board Game

Children dependent on smartphones or computers aren't rare. In the classroom and out, technology can be a helpful learning and research tool. Used without care, focus and instruction, however, it could lead to the problem of shortened attention spans.

Animal Winner Family Board Game is a part of the answer.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016 00:00

Earth Day 2016: Ideas for your Program

Twenty million Americans took to streets, parks and auditoriums on April 22, 1970, in an effort to ensure our planet's heath and sustainability. The day marked a rare moment of political alignment as Republicans and Democrats stood together in defense of our environment. On April 22, 2016, the 46th year of this important day will be celebrated. You and your afterschool students could support Earth Day 2016 in a multitude of ways.

STEM covers four specific educational areas: science, technology, engineering and math. SEL focuses on the softer side of development and emphasizes social and emotional learning.

The vibe at NAA's Annual Convention in Orlando was perfectly aligned with its Superhero theme: From the opening night until the final workshops, the unity, inspiration and energy were amazing! Those who participated left feeling supercharged and filled with powerful inspiration, new skills and strategies for their program.

Tuesday, 05 April 2016 06:38

Classroom Field Trips Make Common Core Fun

SmartLab Toys has been dedicated to helping children learn through play since 2004. From its Squishy Human Body model to its Weird & Wacky Contraption Lab, SmartLab specializes in creating hands-on learning experiences that kids love to play with. SmartLab's hard work and commitment to quality has earned it more than 50 toy industry awards for creativity and innovation.

Parents today face an enormous challenge as they raise kids who are more tech savvy and comfortable using digital communications and social media than they are. There has been a fundamental shift in the way kids communicate today that previous generations of parents have not had to cope with. The good news is that they do not need to be tech experts to parent effectively online.

Rural communities are diverse areas united by common strengths and struggles. With the support of John Deere, an America After 3PM report, The Growing Importance of Afterschool in Rural Communities, delved into the state of afterschool in rural areas. This special report specifically looked at how the areas' oft-underserved children spend their afterschool hours and how afterschool programs are helping them thrive.

In the United States, approximately one in three children ages two to 19 is overweight or obese. Organizations such as the Healthy Out-Of-School Time (HOST) Coalition, RTI International (RTI) and the National Afterschool Association (NAA) have implemented standards to promote a healthy lifestyle among our nation's young people.

All educators share a common desire to support the social and emotional development of their students, yet the approaches taken by afterschool and in-school educators when pursuing this goal differ. The American Institute for Research (AIR) has created several briefs addressing how all educators could help students succeed in school, work and life. AIR's most recent brief on this topic suggests ways that afterschool and in-school educators could work together to support the social and emotional development of their student body.

What's your NAA17 Convention strategy? How are you going to get the most out of your Convention experience? We asked some of our long-time NAA Convention participants to share their best Convention advice. Here is what they said:

Published in Convention Articles
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