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Executive Extra

Monthly content focused on leadership exclusively for the Executive members of NAA.

Displaying items by tag: Andy Allan

Tuesday, 07 June 2016 00:00

Five Ways to Reduce STEM Anxiety

Fill in the blank. I would rather _________ than do a math problem.

1. Eat worms
2. Clean a bathroom
3. Write an essay
4. Give a speech
5. Not eat for a day
6. Dump ice on my head

Spring has sprung! The days are getting longer, and the weather is getting brighter. It's great to play and learn outside. Unfortunately, time spent outdoors is becoming a rare commodity for our young people. Full disclosure: I may be old. I grew up in the '70s and '80s—and back then, playing meant playing outside.

Tuesday, 08 March 2016 00:00

Top STEM Web Resources

In a Web search for the word STEM, Google returns more than 200 million results. STEM today is a hot topic and Web pages are being created at a frenetic pace, which can be quite overwhelming for users. Websites may have outdated information, be difficult to navigate and, occasionally, even provide bad information. Your time is precious, so to help you navigate the World Wide Web of STEM information I am providing my current pick of some of the best STEM resources available today.

Tuesday, 09 February 2016 00:00

5 Tips for Cultivating Creativity and Curiosity

Providing high-quality STEM learning is bigger than simply presenting hands-on activities. The goal is to create an atmosphere of discovery where kids are engaged in creative and critical thinking. Asking good questions is an important part of creating the right environment. Through intentional questioning you can stretch young peoples' curiosity, reasoning ability, creativity, and independence.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016 00:00

10 Tips: Become a STEM Superstar

Do you want to have clear skin and lose weight? The secret is to teach STEM! Well, perhaps not, however, STEM continues to be a driving force in education. STEM is fun, it is an increasingly important part of education, and parents are placing it higher on their priority lists when selecting programs for their kids. Make STEM a priority this year. Both you and the young people you work with will evolve as learners, and who knows? It might even improve your skin and make you thinner.

Tuesday, 08 December 2015 00:00

Andy Allan: NAA’s New STEM Superstar

He's a STEM educator, creator and trainer!

Andy Allan's educational philosophy is to engage young people's natural curiosity and creative thinking through fun active-learning STEM experiences.

Published in News
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