Play Ambassador Application FAQs

naa play ambassadors web

What is the timeline for this project?

Winners will be selected and notified in early June. Orientation packets will be mailed in early July. Two web-based trainings will be offered during late summer and early Fall. Play Ambassadors will serve during the 2018-2019 school year.

What will be expected of me as a Play Ambassador?

You will be expected to share the research and materials we provide you about how play can help kids develop skills they will use throughout their lives with your colleagues in afterschool, with families and with other community partners. You will be expected to deliver trainings, workshops and communications pieces to your network. You will also have the opportunity to create trainings and workshops using the research we provide to you and to write content for print and social media that reflects your thoughts and experiences as it relates to play.

Will I be paid for my service?

All Play Ambassadors will receive a $250 stipend to purchase materials and resources to support their service. All research and communication materials will be provided by NAA and The Genius of Play.

What is The Genius of Play?

The Genius of Play is a national movement to raise awareness of play’s vital role in child development, spearheaded by the Toy Association. Deeply rooted in research and facts, The Genius of Play is a leading resource on the physical, cognitive, social and emotional benefits of play that serve children throughout their lives. The Genius of Play enables today’s busy parents and caretakers to use the power of play to help raise a happier, healthier, and more productive next generation. Visit for easily accessible play ideas and tips, expert advice and other play resources. It’s More Than Play!